Answers to common Questions


What does the name “Emmaus” mean?

Our name is inspired by a story that occurred near the town of Emmaus. The town, just outside of Jerusalem, is notable for its mention in the Gospel of Luke. After Jesus’ resurrection, two of His apostles were walking on the road to Emmaus when a man began walking next to them. The apostles did not recognize him at the start, but this man was the resurrected Jesus.

This story is the motivation behind our name and our mission. It is our goal to see the presence of Jesus in every patient and among all with whom we come in contact, treating every individual with the dignity and respect that we would offer Jesus himself.

What are the benefits of selecting a faith-based practice like Emmaus?

If you come from a religious background, you can feel comfortable that we will be sensitive to your values and beliefs and how they might impact your care. If you do not come from a religious background, you will still be treated with the love and respect that we believe everyone deserves.

What does it mean to be in a Catholic primary care practice?

The infusion of faith into this practice begins with the understanding that every patient we see is made in the image and likeness of God, and needs to be treated with the dignity and respect that is owed them as a result. It is our goal to treat every patient in this way independent of their own beliefs about religion. The ethical decisions we make also emanate from this concept of respecting human dignity.

How does Emmaus handle issues like abortion and birth control?

As a Catholic practice we do follow the Ethical and Religious Directives of the Catholic Church. Guidance on such issues as contraception and abortion as detailed in the Directives stem from our belief that such actions will adversely impact your dignity. We are happy to discuss these concerns in detail if they arise.

Will I be pressured to become Catholic or join a religion?

No. We are sensitive to how any religious preferences may impact your health care decisions, so we may ask how you would like religion to be integrated into your care plan – if at all.

Do I have to be Catholic to be seen at Emmaus?

No, we welcome patients from all religions and walks of life. Indeed, a large percentage of our patients are not Catholic.
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Emmaus Health Partners

Complete Family Care.
All under one roof.

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24 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive, Lobby L
Suite L2300
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
New patient:
Existing patient:
(734) 930-4020
(734) 769-8948
Monday: 8am-7pm
Tuesday: 7am-5pm
Wednesday: 8am-5pm
Thursday: 8am-5pm
Friday: 8am-5pm
Saturday (bi-weekly): 8am-11am
24 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive, Lobby L
Suite L2200
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
New patient:
Existing patient:
(734) 994-8863
(734) 769-8948
Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday: 9am-8pm
Wednesday: 9am-5pm
Thursday: 9am-5pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
[email protected]
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